BBC - PBS Film Update
The Great Yellowstone Thawby Dan Hartman
Feb. 11, 2017
I know I told a lot of you the three hour Yellowstone film would air this month. Well, that's not going to happen. Last report I got was it was still being edited.Which is a good thing. The BBC equivalent aired before Christmas and to be honest, I felt the second hour could have been so much better. Hopefully PBS will get it right.
Anyway, according to the PBS website this is what's going to happen. "Great Yellowstone Thaw" will be part of a "Summer of Adventure" Series. Other titles will be:
The Story of China
Big Pacific
Weekend in Havana
Creatures of the Photo Ark (featuring Joe Satore)
Natures Great Race (also a BBC-PBS co-production)
Also remember there's a third "Great Yellowstone Thaw" film being edited. This one, a BBC Worldwide North America production will be all wildlife. The BBC-PBS films are about 50% people.
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