Stranded Book Log Part 12
Chasing Rainbowsby Dan Hartman
Sept. 7, 2013
Day 30It was raining off and on when I left the cabin this morning. At times I wondered why I was even making the attempt. When I reached Little Bear Lake, the sun was finding holes in the clouds. Over the lake appeared a dim rainbow. Then as I watched, it grew brighter and bolder. I knew there was a print shot here, but I'm doing an alpine book. I decided to look for a shot higher in the cliffs.
It took me ten minutes to reach the West summit. All the time I was watching the rainbow as it stayed just ahead of me as if to show me the way. I dashed to an overlook to fire off a few shots, then ran back to my car to circle the summit and look for another location.
With a gust of wind the rain came in sheets. I made my way out to a cliff edge trying to keep my lens dry. Here the rainbow disappeared down into the depths at my feet. It went so far it seemed to almost curl back under, trying to be not an arch but a circle stopped only by the earth itself.
Day 31
The ground cover has turned red above ten thousand feet. Also the grasses are disappearing so my shots have pika carrying little red ferns. I spotted the falcon, but once again it vanished before I could grab a shot. The white hawk, (a juvenile ferruginous), appeared below me being chased by a dark hawk. To my amazement, a pair of yellow warblers landed for a second before moving on. I've never seen warblers at 10,000 feet.
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