More than meets the eye
Looking for special shots in Yellowstoneby Dan Hartman
Jan. 29, 2014
In the past couple of weeks I had occasion to work with photography groups from the Teton Science School and Arizona Highways to name a few.I find they pretty much all wanted and expect to get a full frame wolf shot. A couple actually did! (The injured Jct Butte female). But most are disappointed.
To future groups and those who are regulars in the park, I say, "look for the shot, not the specific species".
In my life, I've probably seen a half a dozen bison shots that move me. Personally I've got one and believe me I've taken thousands. Oh, I have technically good photos. Shots that are nicely lit and sharp. Bulls fighting, cows nursing calves, river crossings, heck, even being chased by wolves!
They all record life going on and are important for publication or programs but they miss that certain something. And really, I'm not even sure if anyone can truly explain what that, "something" is.
It doesn't only pertain to bison. There's elk, bighorn sheep, pronghorn and coyotes. All animals readily seen in Yellowstone.
When you get a shot and you can proudly proclaim to the world, "you might get another one as good, but you'll never get one better!" it's only then you can say there's nothing to shoot in the park.
So I challenge you to go out and get that perfect shot. If it turns out to be a wolf, great. But don't be surprised if it turns out being a dipper!.
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