The Eagle Book Part 2
Search for Golden Eagles Continuesby Dan Hartman
Oct. 19, 2015
I was back to searching for goldens last week. Having a little luck in the Beartooths as raptors soar the highest ridges during their migration. Mostly I grabbed shots in distant mountain scenes, but once in a while photographing mountain goats, I scored nice photos of one as it soared by at almost eye level.Down by Little Bear Lake, I've been lucky at times with bald eagles. One afternoon I wa photographing an immature bald when a golden suddenly appeared out of nowhere and flew at the smaller eagle. Problem is, I saw it too late and missed the shot of the two eagles together. Darn!!
Cindy and I went looking for goldens on the River Front Road north of Gardiner. All we found were bald eagles, but as we approached Gardiner on our way home, two golden eagles were soaring in front of the cliffs to the west. I set up the heavy 400 2.8 lens and photographed them as they landed and took to flight off the highest cliffs.
Now yesterday, I was back at the red cliffs over Dead Indian Pass. The eagles were not in sight. On towards Cody we spotted an eagle perched high on an out-cropping. As I was getting a few shots, a second eagle soared by, then circled to land just below the first golden. A few minutes later, the second eagle took off again, screaming it's piercing call. Another adult was perched a mile away.
I still haven't gotten the tight shot I am searching for. And I'm running out of time!
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