A Special Week
With Special Peopleby Dan Hartman
July 2, 2017
I spent last week with some inspiring people. The Wills Hope Organization was here with four special young men. We spent the morning in the Beartooths watching and filming nesting song birds. Their excitement and willingness to learn was inspiring.Mark Squire is doing an amazing job!
When I spent ten days in the UK last month, my good friend Roger Reynolds graciously showed Kelly and I not only the popular sites but also some of his favorite haunts. He and his wife, Rosemary, even hosted us in their beautiful home just outside London.
Roger was here last week with three friends and I was eager to repay some of his kindness. They're world class photographers, so I took them up to my favorite nesting areas in the foothills of the Beartooths. As luck would have it some of the best nests had already fledged, but more searching soon discovered other sites that were just as good. The photographs these guys captured were amazing and I admit I learned a bit. But the real excitement for me was just hanging out with them.
Great guys, who didn't take it all so seriously. We laughed more than we shot.
Hopefully most of you have been watching the "Great Yellowstone Thaw" airing the last two Wednesdays on PBS. So far my name hasn't shown up in the credits. Maybe that will change in the series final this Wednesday on July 5th.
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