The Fox and I
True Mountain Foxby Dan Hartman
Sept. 12, 2017
All late summer and now autumn, I've spent most mornings in the Beartooths. I've been lucky enough to capture great photos of mountain goats, pika, marmonts, golden mantled ground squirrels, moose and so much more. But my main objective was weasels and it just hasn't worked out. However, something else has taken its place.Foxes.
At first, I would see them now and then, usually at the West Summit and every once in awhile at the East Summit. I grabbed a few shots in passing. Nothing great as they were usually traveling.
Eventurally my other subjects began to wain, or I had covered them thoroughly. My attention turned to the foxes, especially the one residing on the West Summit. I would get there at dawn and make some slow passes through his two mile plus range.
Suddenly, there he'd be. Carrying away some just captured prey, or chasing through the rocks after a terrified pika.
Sometimes I'd find him out of sight of the road and he'd lay out on the grass just a few feet from me, or roll on a snowfield, cooling off.
Several times over the years I've come across foxes in the Beartooths. Never have I had one I could observe daily. And never one that would hunt with me only a few feet away.
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