Yellowstone Reports

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Life Between Mountains

Cooke City Montana Museum Fundraiser
by Dan Hartman

Aug. 5, 2015

    If you find yourself in the NorthEast area of Yellowstone Park on Friday, August 7th it would be worth your while to check out the artist reception and fundraiser event at the Cooke City Museum.  Light refreshments will be available as the fun begins.
     Kelly Hartman, Museum Director, used her own time to create 22 different paintings using the artifacts from the museum. You can place a bid on-line for the silent auction items thru 2:00 pm on Friday.  There will be live auction bidding done at the event for the remaining paintings. Each live auction purchase will be accompanied with a pair of Cooke City Montana Museum wine glasses!
 Additional information can be obtained at the Cooke City Montana Museum web-site or call 406-838-2203.
All proceeds will directly benefit the Museum.

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Wine Glasses