Yellowstone Reports

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University of Wisconsin - WhiteWater

Birthday Presents
by Dan Hartman

Aug. 11, 2021

     University of Wisconsin - WhiteWater is here for the 30th straight year, (except for last year).  I've been doing programs and taking them out hiking for over 20 of those years.
     Good kids.
     We explored the Beartooths, watching piks, golden mantled ground squirrels, marmonts and a variety of birds.  But really it is all about the scenery.
     This year George Clokey, who has led every one of those 30 years, is doing it all with painful cracked ribs.  A testiment to his commitment to his kids.
     Now, today is my birthday.  I woke up this morning to a marten sitting on our deck rail.  The first I've seen in over a month.  I guess he came by to spend the special day with me.
     Cindy presented me with a beautiful painting of a great gray owl nest.  A reminder of what I've spent most of my years searching for.

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