Yellowstone Reports

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Canyon Pack Bison Attack

a photographic record of the attack
by Dan Hartman

Aug. 29, 2011

The attack, which began the night before, continued Sunday morning.  When the bison got to its feet, the wolves appeared to try for the hamstrings.  As the wolves ripped at the bison's flanks, a bull moved in and several wolves backed off.  Even with the agitated bull present, some wolves continued to attack.  A second bull arrived to help out.  When four bison surrounded the downed cow, all but the alpha male backed off.  The bulls checked out the now dead cow.  The bulls moved on, and the wolves returned.  The pack began feeding, knowing grizzlies would probably soon arrive.

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View slide show

The Canyons attack a bison.

Trying For The Hamstrings

A Bull Moves In

The Attack Continues Anyway

A secound Bull Arrives

Only The Alpha Male Braved 4 Bison

The Bulls Move On, The Wolves Returned

Feeding Begins