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Filming Weasels

Or Trying To Film Weasels
by Dan Hartman

Sept. 5, 2012

I’m lying here in the grass some 11,000 feet high watching a hole in the rocky slope. At 8:30 this morning a weasel slipped inside. It’s now 3:00 P.M.
Jeff and I have been trying to film weasels interacting with pica for the last three days. We did get a little footage of this guy hunting before he disappeared, but we need much more. And closer! What we get will be used in a BBC film on pica being shot in Canada.
Kelly and I spent twenty minutes with a weasel, even watching it chase a pica ten feet from us. But that was four days ago, one day before Jeff arrived! So goes the film guiding business. The frustrating thing is, the goats and pica have been great. But we’re hired for weasels only. Nothing else matters.
On our way home one night, we came across a collared fox carrying his evening catch back to it’s offspring.
I’ve included a photo. Don’t get grossed out!!-

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View slide show

Weasel The Day Before We Begon Filming

Jeff On The Lookout For Weasels

Pica Gathered Grass All Around Us

Fox Carrying 7 Pocket Gophers