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Thanksgiving Martens

by Dan Hartman

Nov. 27, 2020

     We've had three martens off and on this winter so far.  Our big male from last year was no surprise, but a yearling that seems to have moved in has been.
     Thanksgiving Eve, the little fella spent the whole day perched on wood stacked on our kitchen porch watching Cindy bake pies.
     Then Thanksgiving morning, I had put the turkey neck in a suet cage for the birds to peck at, when the little marten climbed out of a stump cavity he had obviously spent the night in, and tried to figure out a route to the turkey neck.
     After a while, I felt sorry for him and took the turkey neck out of the cage and placed it on top of his stump.
     Well, he did not like the neck on that particular stump and moved it to another stump cavity.
     After Thanskgiving dinner, I hung the cooked turkey carcass in a tree outside our living room windows.  Once again for the birds to pick at.  ( I know this seems a bit like cannibolism) anyway, it wasn't long before the little marten appears and began working on the carcass.
     This morning, both the large male and the little yearling climbed out of the stump cavities where they spent the night.

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